This is a blog about me, Seinfeld, okonomiyaki, japanese toilet seats, and other things of interest

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Scheduling Cygwin tasks in Windows

If you are one of the unfortunate souls that have ever tried to use cron in Cygwin on Windows, I can understand your pain. Getting cron to work in Windows is like rocket science plus plus - take off towards to the ISS space station while performing brain surgery, finding positive things to say about Hatfield, proving that P=NP, and all at the same time.

Personally, I have given up. This leaves me with two choices; writing my own cron (shouldn't be very hard) or use the Windows Scheduler. But how do you use the Windows Scheduler to run cygwin bash scripts? I just found this tip and it works perfectly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more pertinent question: Why bother doing it in Windows in the first place? Why not use a real OS? (I know, I know.. have us it to support a product, forced to by managment, blah, blah, blah)

4:22 AM


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