This is a blog about me, Seinfeld, okonomiyaki, japanese toilet seats, and other things of interest

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Stop me if you've heard this one before

Sometimes I think that I'm way too quick to judge and make decisions. On the other hand, I suppose that's better than to be too thoughtful and careful and spending all your time thinking about what you should do rather than actually doing it. As Rodney Brooks said, planning is just a way of avoiding figuring out what to do next.

Last night I started to read Richard Branson's autobiography 'Losing my Virginity' that I have borrowed from Mike. Richard Branson is definitely a guy that has 'just been doing it' without much thought and has had plenty of fun while being extremely successful. In the book he recaps some business stories from Japan and tells about one company there following a 200 year business plan! Quite different from Branson's own business philosophy. I also read about an interviewer asking Deng Xiao Ping (the leader of China in the early 80s) what he thought about the implications of the French revolution more than two hundred years earlier. 'Still too early to tell', he replied.

I'm now training for two marathons - the Stockholm marathon the 3rd of June and the Sydney one the 10th of September when I visit Angela. It's only two months to go before the Stockholm one and I really need to train now to achieve my goal of a time around 4 hours.


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