Viva Capitalism
My old beloved IBM X20 laptop has served me well but is now more or less dead. So today (after receiving my bonus Thursday!) I gave up on PCs and got a MacBook. It's cool and everything just seems to work - a minute after booting up for the first time I was reading slashdot. Quite different from installing Gentoo :-)
In the most recent issue of The Economist there is an interesting article about new developments in computer Go. Apparently Monte Carl-based methods work quite well and there is now a program called Mogo that is ranked 2323rd in the world on smaller boards (9 by 9)!
Now my laptop is back in action - seems like there is some loose connection to the screen. The screen is still bad in some areas.
I've now updated the post with the proper links.
7:57 AM
And, as Matt said, Mogo is ranked 2323 on smaller boards (I think it's 9 by 9)
7:58 AM
Its a dilemma a cheap dell pc, or a user friendly Mac.
8:25 AM
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