Serious compression
According to the efficient market hypothesis, every little piece of information about a company is reflected in its share price. Future research, sales, who will be hired or fired, value of its properties, etc, are all already compressed in to the little number that is the company's share price at a given time. Beat this, gzip!
The problem is decompressing it...
7:02 AM
Yes, of course, but for most people there's no need to decompress it. It's like when a customer comes to you to complain about a production system problem that happened yesterday. The production log produced every day is 3GB uncompressed but the 10 bytes it's compressed to tells the line where the bug is...
1:22 PM
A previous colleague of mine compressed stock prices even more. He just used 1 for price going up and 0 for down. Then he trained a neural network with time series of stock price fluctuations hoping to make predictions. Don't know what happened with that...
3:26 PM
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