This is a blog about me, Seinfeld, okonomiyaki, japanese toilet seats, and other things of interest

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The more you ignore me the closer I get

Aaah, I had a lovely training run today. The sun was shining for most of the run and squirels were playing in the trees. I ran from home via Assif to Uni and then back and then through the park and the Abbey to make the distance 21k. The total time was 1.45 (5 min/km) excluding the stop at Assif's. The beauty was that I still felt quite fresh and ready to run longer in the same pace when I came home and had a stretch outside the house. If I manage to keep this pace through a whole marathon the total time would be 3.30 which would be great. A more realistic time is 4h. In that case I would have to keep an average speed of 10.6km/h.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday I had to go up and down a single flight of stairs 5 times in quick succession. The carpet looked wonderful and I was only slightly out of breath. However, I managed this way quicker than your run. I have not computed my average speed though.

3:24 AM


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