This is a blog about me, Seinfeld, okonomiyaki, japanese toilet seats, and other things of interest

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Here is the Amazon-page for a book yours truly and some dedicated readers of this blog contributed to:

50 Years of Artificial Intelligence: Essays Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Artificial Intelligence

Nothing special about that, you might think. But, look closer at the tags associated with the book:

fantasy (103)
mythology (94)
redundant title (87)
morons (69)

illogical (68)
unintelligent (68)
irony (65)
magic (64)

css (59)
pattern recognition


Blogger aR!s said...


although at closer inspection this is actually "Tags Customers Associate with Similar Products", which makes no sense at all, given the book has no customer reviews at all and the sales rank is looooow...

the Amazon site sucks, always had, the search feature is pathetic if you don't already know what you are looking for (from browsing your local bookstore), and stupid marketing/social networking features like these 'tags' are stupid and useless beyond belief. hacking/spamming ratings, comments and associations is soooo easy. recent example an "expert" psychologist that went on Fox News and spoke some nonsense about the allegedly "hardcore porn" content in a recently released computer game; her book was spammed so hard in Amazon by gamers giving comments like "i never read this book, but it is obviously porn" (she hadn't even seen the game she commented on), that she had to publicly apologize and retract her misinformed comments, lol.

8:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

10:19 AM


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