This is a blog about me, Seinfeld, okonomiyaki, japanese toilet seats, and other things of interest

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Shoplifters of the world, unite

Now it's only one day to go at uni. My supervisor will give me some feedback tomorrow on my thesis and hopefully I can submit it next week.

Today I did some training called 'fartlek' (no, it's not what you think it is...). It's weird, I had never heard this word before I came to England even though 'fartlek' is a swedish word that means 'speed play'. The idea is to run continously for maybe 45 min but vary the intensity or speed as you go along. This means that both the aerobic as well as the anaerobic systems get a good workout. I first did a warm up of roughly 10 minutes of slow running before going roughly 80% of max speed for 10 seconds, then slow jog 10 seconds, 80% for 10 seconds etc. Nice stuff...

My dear friend Tommy in Sweden is getting married to Emma this summer! Here's me, Tommy, and Mie (a friend from my time in Brighton) at a cook-it-yourself okonomiyaki place in Shinjuku, Tokyo, 2003:

I've started to read Jared Diamond's new book 'Collapse: How societies choose to fail'. I really enjoyed 'Guns, Germs, and Steel' by the same author that I read while travelling in Morocco with Angela last year but for some reason I just fall asleep when I try to read Collapse. I've tried to read it the last three nights and I still haven't reached chapter 1 (the prologue is maybe 15 pages long). Usually I wake up around 5-6 in the morning with the light still on and my face in the book. Will make another attempt tonite!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

8:37 PM


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